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Antenna Regulation and Zoning

  • FCC PRB-1 Resources

    MEMORANDUM OPINION AND ORDER (FCC 85-506) Federal preemption of state and Local Regulations Pertaining to Amateur Radio Facilities Go Now

  • ARRL Online PRB-1 Package

    Basic information as you begin working with local zoning officials. Go Now

IMPORTANT NOTICE: These brief outlines are not substitutes for getting legal advice. ARRL has heard from amateurs who did not obtain legal advice before trying to handle an antenna restriction, and the result was getting a decision that was not to the ham's liking.

Amateurs facing zoning difficulties are highly encouraged to:

1) Read the article "PRB-1 and CC&Rs - What Should I do Now?" from the May 2007 QST;
2) contact an attorney; and
3) obtain Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur.

ARRL Volunteer Counsel -- lawyers who are hams -- are listed on the ARRLWeb. The book, Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur, is filled with excellent ideas on how to prepare for, and make your presentation and application to a local zoning board. The book is a complete treatise on this subject, and can be ordered on-line or by calling toll free 1-888-277-5289 or by contacting your Amateur Radio book dealer. The cost of the book, which includes a CD-ROM with good examples of zoning presentations, is less than the fee for most zoning applications.

One final warning: DON'T CUT ANY CORNERS! Cutting corners may well weaken your case. Remember: at the hearing, your presentation will be 80% of the battle, and 100% of the basis for any record, if the case ends up going to court.


ARRL Volunteer Counsel and Consulting Engineer Programs

ARRL Volunteer Counsel Program (legal advice) and Referrals

ARRL Volunteer Consulting Engineer Program (engineering advice) and Referrals

ARRL VC's and VCE's will give an initial consultation at no charge.

Note: If you are an amateur and lawyer or a professional engineer and would like to enter into one of these programs, check the appropriate section above for an application.


Other Programs, Services and Resources



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