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ARRL publications in print and via electronic media are subject to copyright, and all rights are reserved. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of ARRL published documents or materials may be reproduced, stored or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise) or for any purpose, and may not be incorporated, in whole or in part, in any other  work, document, product, or item, including other software products, without the express written permission of the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated.

The American Radio Relay League, Incorporated may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in its publications. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from the American Radio Relay League, Incorporated, the furnishing of these materials for the stated intended use does not give the user any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property.

Educational Use. ARRL Education & Technology Program resources are intended for educational purposes. When used for this purpose, please acknowledge ARRL as the source. Additional permission is required to use this material in any training or product that will be redistributed or used for re-sale.

Questions about permission to use ARRL content?

Check out the FAQ below or email us: [email protected]


  • Can I use ARRL logos?

    Log in to your ARRL member or guest online account to view and download logos. Need help logging in? Visit our Member Support page. View/Download ARRL logos

    ARRL Logos Use

    • ARRL members and Affiliated clubs may use the ARRL diamond logo on their own personal QSL cards, stationery, club signs, business cards and websites.
    • ARRL Life Members may use the Life Member logo on their own personal QSL cards, stationery, business cards and webites.
    • Special Service Clubs may use the Special Service Club logo on their stationery, club signs and websites.
    • ARES members may use the ARES logo on their own personal QSL cards, stationery, business cards and web pages.
    • National Traffic System members may use the NTS logo on their own personal QSL cards, stationery, business cards and web pages.
    • ARRL logos and images MAY NOT be used on any items intended for sale (shirts, mugs, calendars, etc), or as part of advertising or other commercial promotion including websites, eBay listings, etc. If you are interested in purchasing a license to use ARRL logos or imagery in this fashion, contact Creative Services by email
    • ARRL logos and images MAY NOT be modified in any way or incorporated within any other logo design.

    Please contact ARRL to request permission and for any other use of ARRL logos.

  • Can I use copies of ARRL materials in license classes and club meetings?

    Yes. This type of use falls under what is called the "fair use" provision of copyright law. You don't need to ask our permission to do this.

  • Can I use photos and text from ARRL publications in my own publications?

    You must request permission in writing from the ARRL or email us:

    [email protected]

    A line of text must declare the ARRL copyright.
    Eg: "Reprinted with the permission of the ARRL. Copyright ARRL."

  • Can I post ARRL publication materials on my website or another site?

    No. That is a violation of our copyright. The ARRL grants three exceptions, however.

    • QST, QEX or NCJ authors are permitted to post copies of their published articles on their personal Web sites.
    • ARRL Affiliated Clubs can post QST, QEX or NCJ articles on their websites on a temporary basis.
    • Dealers and manufacturers that advertise in QST may post and distribute copies of QST Product Reviews of items they sell or manufacture.

    You must request permission from the ARRL in writing or by sending an email to:

    [email protected]

    A line of text must declare the ARRL copyright.
    Eg: "Reprinted with the permission of the ARRL. Copyright ARRL."

  • Can I copy ARRL software and give it to my friends?

    No. That is a violation of our copyright.

  • Can I copy an ARRL only story onto my website?

    No, but you may link to the ARRL story.

  • Can I re-sell an ARRL book, magazine or software product?

    Yes--as long as you are selling only the item you actually purchased, not copies of the item.

    You cannot scan an ARRL publication and then sell those scans on a CD or other media unless the publication was published before 1924. That would be a violation of our copyright.

  • Who owns the rights to submitted material published by ARRL?

    ARRL owns all rights to the material as published. That is, we own exclusive rights to the item in the form in which it is published in an ARRL book, website, magazine or any other ARRL media. This includes photographs, the manner in which the text and photos are arranged, etc. We acquire these exclusive rights because we have agreements with our International Amateur Radio Union sister societies that allow them to reprint anything we publish without copyright infringement. Also, we often use published materials for other purposes and therefore cannot have them encumbered by conflicting ownership.

    ARRL does not own rights to the ideas presented in published materials (Eg: antenna design). We also do not own the rights to a particular device or software described in a book or article.

    The copyright ARRL owns applies to the way in which we publish an author’s work.

  • Can I reproduce the ARRL Repeater Directory listings for my state on my website?

    You can reproduce information from the Repeater Directory on your website, but you cannot do it in the same format as a Repeater Directory page.

    The same applies to factual information you may find in other ARRL publications. For instance, you can republish a list of RF loss specifications for coaxial cable that you may have seen in the ARRL Handbook, but your list can't look like the list in the ARRL Handbook.

  • Can I redistribute the W1AW Bulletins, ARRL Audio News and The ARRL Letter?

    Yes. We only ask that you give credit to the ARRL as the source.

  • Does the copyright apply to books no longer printed by the ARRL?

    Yes. The copyright applies to all past and present ARRL publications. All ARRL publications published from 1924 to the present day are protected by copyright.

  • What if an ARRL publication is not in the Copyright Database?

    In most cases, it is still protected by copyright.

    A publication does not have to be included in the copyright database to be protected. Under current copyright law, when any item of intellectual property is created (music, the written word, art, etc) it is automatically protected; it does not need to be registered. If an ARRL publication is not listed in the copyright database, that doesn't mean it is in the public domain. On the contrary, if the work is published after 1924, chances are it is protected.

  • Where can I find more information?




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