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FEMA Family Emergency Communications Plan Presentation

As part of National Preparedness Month in September, ARRL is teaming with FEMA to offer their “Family Emergency Communications Plan” to interested Amateur Radio clubs that are willing to present it in their localities during National Preparedness Month.

While the FEMA presentation focuses on the Family Communications Plan and doesn’t specifically mention ham radio, the material offers Amateur Radio clubs a great opportunity to raise their visibility in their communities.

A webinar with FEMA Region 1 Preparedness Liaison Sara Varela will take place on Tuesday, August 23, at 8 PM EDT (Wednesday, August 24, at 0000 UTC), to offer background and training for any club wishing to present FEMA’s Family Emergency Communications Plan material in September.

Registration is requested. The presentation of the FEMA material to local communities should take approximately 1 hour. It will include a PowerPoint presentation and links to worksheets that families can discuss and fill out together.

Clubs are free to offer additional presentation on their activities following presentation of the FEMA material. Some slides in the FEMA presentation have areas for you to add your club's contact information.


Use these files to present the FEMA Family Emergency Communications Plan to your community. To save the file to your hard drive, right-click on the file name and select "Save as..."

The FEMA Family Communications Plan Powerpoint Presentation (PPTX)

FEMA "Alerts and Warnings" PDF

FEMA "Family Communications Plan" PDF

FEMA "Communications Plan" - Child PDF

FEMA "Communications Plan" - Parent PDF


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