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2024 Dues Rates

Summary of Dues Changes  •  Frequently Asked Questions  •  Additional Information

ARRL Membership Dues

The ARRL Board of Directors approved increasing the regular membership dues rate to $59 a year starting January 1, 2024.

The following dues rates and fees are effective January 1, 2024.

Membership Type


1 Year

3 Years

Standard Membership

All the benefits of ARRL membership plus 4 digital magazines.



     add print QST magazine

12 issues of QST via mail. Membership required.



     add print On the Air magazine

6 issues of On the Air magazine via mail. Membership required.



US + First-Class Mail® delivery of QST

12 issues of QST via First-Class Mail®.



Life Membership First-Class Mail® delivery of QST – paid annually

12 issues of QST via First-Class Mail® for a current Life Member.




Must reside with primary member and have corresponding membership dates.




Must be under the age of 26.




Requires a one-time signed and dated statement of Legal Blindness.



International Membership

All the benefits of ARRL membership plus 4 digital magazines.



International Membership + QST via mail

Membership plus 12 issues of QST via mail.



ARRL Life Membership

ARRL Life Membership includes the benefits of membership for life. Life membership rates are based on the current term dues amount and the applicant’s age (requires verification). Payment can be made in full, or paid in 24-monthly installments by credit card. Print magazine subscriptions are sold separately. Current members should login to the ARRL website before starting a new Life Membership application.

Become a Life Member

Life Membership Rates:

Age 70+ $960
Age 50-69 $1,635
Age 30-49 $2,625
Under age 30 $3,333


Summary of Dues Changes (effective January 1, 2024)

  • Regular dues (in the US) will increase to $59 per year on January 1, 2024.
  • Members will continue to have access to QST and On The Air (OTA) magazines in digital form online.

          — Print-and-mailed QST and OTA magazines become optional add-ons to membership. Each magazine subscription is $25 per year.

          — Those with regular memberships (a remaining term on a current membership) will need to purchase an add-on subscription to continue receiving printed QST and OTA after January 1, 2024.

          — Current Life members as of July 2023 may choose to continue receiving printed QST or OTA at no additional cost by contacting ARRL between September 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024.

  • Monthly payment plan options are being created for members aged 70+ to help senior members who are experiencing financial stress.
  • We are undertaking work to determine revenue neutral pricing for Life Memberships. New applications for Life Membership are not being accepted as of 7/21/2023 while new rates are being established.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. When was the last time that ARRL raised dues?

The last increases were in 2016; 8 years ago, and before that 2001.

2. Why did we need to raise dues?

We need to ensure a vibrant and financially healthy ARRL so we can continue to serve the Amateur Radio community. ARRL has experienced significant financial losses during the last 4 years due to inflation. We expect rising costs to continue and result in additional financial pressure.

3. Why does ARRL need $59 per year for dues?

ARRL applies staff and resources to a variety of efforts that promote and protect Amateur Radio for the benefit of our members. Chief among these efforts are spectrum defense, regulatory advocacy at the International, Federal and State levels, support for licensing and operator training, work to promote Amateur Radio in schools, and more. ARRL also allocates resources to member benefits and programs such as Field Day, LoTW, contests, EmComm programs, member technical support, product reviews, and other programs. It is essential that ARRL continue these efforts to ensure the continued existence of Amateur Radio worldwide.

4. Why did ARRL make print QST and On the Air magazines paid subscription options?

All members will continue to have access to all four ARRL magazines in digital format online: QST, On the Air, QEX, and NCJ. Printing and mailing QST and OTA are an important part of ARRL’s costs, and these costs have increased faster than inflation. Results from our member survey indicate that a significant portion of our members are willing to read these magazines in a digital form online. We chose this approach to minimize the increase in dues. This gives members a choice on whether to pay the additional cost for print magazines.

5. What was the purpose of the member survey that was conducted in May 2023?

We felt it was important to seek input from our members about various options under consideration and what they valued most about ARRL membership. This feedback from more than 20,000 members who responded was used extensively in our planning (see dues survey results).

6. What is ARRL doing to cut costs? Was there an alternative to a dues increase?

ARRL has been systematically taking steps to reduce costs for several years. Steps have included delaying hiring for open positions, outsourcing work to contractors in lieu of staffing full-time positions, consolidating responsibilities to reduce staffing levels, and other actions designed to control our costs. We continue to look for additional ways to lower our costs, but we cannot go much further without reducing or eliminating member benefits and programs which our members have told us are important to them.

7. What is ARRL doing to help senior members under financial stress to continue to afford dues and print publications?

ARRL is creating monthly payment options for dues and print magazines for members who are 70-years and older. If you are 70+ years old and need help in this area, please contact Member Services at HQ for details.

Additional Information

Member Bulletin 7/23/2023 | ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, Announces Membership Dues, Effective January 1, 2024

Dues Survey Results – June 2023




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