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  • FCC Part 97

    The official FCC rules governing Amateur Radio. Learn More

  • Federal Legislative Action

    The ARRL's activity with Federal legislation. Learn More

  • Title 47 Regulations

    All Federal regulations pertaining to US Telecommunications. Learn More

  • Legislative Objectives

    Read the ARRL's Legislative Objectives for the U.S. Congress. Learn More

  • FCC Rules Part 15

    The FCC rules that regulate low power, non-licensed devices. Learn More

  • The ARRL Grassroots Program

    The ARRL's program for getting members involved in legislative activities. Learn More

  • Radio Frequency Interference

    RFI can present real problems for hams. The ARRL can provide practical information to solve RFI problems. Learn More

  • Current Legislation

    Find information on current federal legislation of interest to Amateurs. Learn More

  • FCC

    Learn about the Federal Communications. Learn More

  • Legislator Contact Information

    Find contact information for your members of the US House and Senate. Learn More


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