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  • PR Resources

    A collection of tips, tricks and aids for promoting Amateur Radio. Go Now

  • ARRL Campaigns

    PR and promotional materials aimed at the major interest areas of Amateur Radio: Emergency Communications, Technology and Hobby. Go Now


    The monthly e-zine for Public Information Officers (PIOs) and others. Go Now

  • PR E-mail Reflector

    The PIOs' own e-mail reflector for news and tips. Go Now

  • PR Courses

    The basic training course for PIOs and anyone interacting with the media and promoting Amateur Radio. Go Now

  • ARRL Media Awards

    Two major awards for both radio amateurs and media professionals. Go Now

  • Media Hits

    Check out the latest mentions of Amateur Radio in newspapers, on the radio or on TV. Go Now

  • ARRL News

    Daily updates on the world of ham radio, including feature articles, columns, and news about emergency communications. Go Now


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